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Øya, Norway
I go to Borg v.g.s. and I work at Borregaard at kokeri

torsdag 17. november 2011

Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton is one of the historys most important and influental scientists, and maybe the most central figure  in the 17th centurys scientific revolution.

Isaac Newton was born 25 december 1642 and he is a farmer's son. And he died 20 march 1726 :D !!!
He lay the foundations of classical mechanics. He took Keplers laws about planets movement as a starting point, and he was the first to show that object movement at earth and objects movement in the space follows the same rules.

Some important events in Isaac's life :P
In 1642, Isaac is born in the village Woolsthorpe in Lincolnshire in England.
Isaac's mother was married 2 times but both of them died. When she was married when the second, Isaac had to live with his grandmother, but his mother came back when her husband died. She cancelled Isaac's schooling in 1659 and gives him the responsibility of the farm.

Newton is also known for detect the gravity. He used an equation to figure out how gravity work.

Newton delivered important works at several areas, but the 3 publications which is often regarded as the main works is Principia, Philosophical Transactions and Opticks.
The Newtonian laws of motion was accepted as indisputable laws in the mechanics in the end of the 19th century. After Albert Einstein came with his relativity theory, was Newtons laws considered as special cases of more general laws. Newtons laws apply only to things moving at low speed compared to speed of light.

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