About me

Bildet mitt
Øya, Norway
I go to Borg v.g.s. and I work at Borregaard at kokeri

torsdag 1. desember 2011


I celebrate christmas at home with my family. Sometimes we are going to the statkirke at øya at 11 am, and sometimes at the catholic church at 24pm because my mom is catholic. At afternoon at 17 pm or something we eat christmas dinner. We eat ribs and Christmas ham with accessories. One of us reads the Christmas Gospel before we eat. My grandmother eats with us sometimes, but my grandmother got 4 children and she can't be with everyone at the same time.
At 18 pm are we opening gifts together.
On Boxing Day we are at grandmother and all of her children with families are with. One of her sons live in Porsgrunn and he is good at finding party games.

I don't know if I got a best Christmas memory or gift, I think all of them are nice and cozy. And it's the thought that counts when I get gifts.
My favorite Christmas movie is Polarekspressen, I think. It gives me Christmas spirit, but others also do. Polarekspressen is about beliving in Santa Claus.

In UK and America they don't celebrate at 24. december. That date is like our little christmasday, and the celebrate at 25.
Americans decorates too much when it's christmas. I don't want to adopt any of their traditions, because it is not norwegian traditions. I likes how we have it. But I hopes for a white (and norwegian) christmas.

torsdag 17. november 2011

Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton is one of the historys most important and influental scientists, and maybe the most central figure  in the 17th centurys scientific revolution.

Isaac Newton was born 25 december 1642 and he is a farmer's son. And he died 20 march 1726 :D !!!
He lay the foundations of classical mechanics. He took Keplers laws about planets movement as a starting point, and he was the first to show that object movement at earth and objects movement in the space follows the same rules.

Some important events in Isaac's life :P
In 1642, Isaac is born in the village Woolsthorpe in Lincolnshire in England.
Isaac's mother was married 2 times but both of them died. When she was married when the second, Isaac had to live with his grandmother, but his mother came back when her husband died. She cancelled Isaac's schooling in 1659 and gives him the responsibility of the farm.

Newton is also known for detect the gravity. He used an equation to figure out how gravity work.

Newton delivered important works at several areas, but the 3 publications which is often regarded as the main works is Principia, Philosophical Transactions and Opticks.
The Newtonian laws of motion was accepted as indisputable laws in the mechanics in the end of the 19th century. After Albert Einstein came with his relativity theory, was Newtons laws considered as special cases of more general laws. Newtons laws apply only to things moving at low speed compared to speed of light.

tirsdag 1. november 2011

Task 2

I have been operated in both of my feets. The right in april 2009, and the left in november 2010.
I had to go with crutches for about 3 months after each operation. My legs was in plaster for 8 weeks each.
When I got operated in my right feet, I was in 8. grade and was 14 years old. My mom, dad went to Rikshospitalet in Oslo at friday 24. april just to check in and the surgeon wanted to look at the foot again if I remember right. We went home again and came back at Sunday. I had to shower and wear "hospital clothes", so there would not be any dirt on me. When I woke up the next day, I couldn't eat because I had to fast before the operation. I had to eat some tablets. I got some anaestheticsalve at my hand so it wouldn't hurt when I was going to get the venous cathether. Some hours later it was my turn to be operated and I was moved to the operating room and my mother came with. I got some anasthesia and I can't remember anymore. After about 5 hours I woke up at the awakening. My mother and father was there too and some nurses. I was really tired and nausea after the anasthesia, and my foot was painful. I got a lot of electronic equipment connected to my body, but some of them was removed when I was moved back to my room. The equipment that was left was a painkiller. It pumped some morphine into my leg every few seconds and if I got really painful in my foot, I could push a button connected to the machine and it would pump a little extra. But I could just do it every 30 minutes. This machine was removed after some days. I also got a saline solution through the venous cathether, but it was removed after a day. At hospital we got good food and it was very nice there. The nurses was also nice. A physiotherapist was helping me to walk with crutches. That wasn't easy because i was dizzy.
At friday we could go home. My father went home at monday because he had to go to work. I had to go with plaster on my leg for 8 weeks. It was good to take it off, but my muscles was slack. I also got a iron pin that had to be pulled out. It didn't hurt when I removed them from my right foot, but in my left I got 2 of them and it hurted to pull them out. I was going to a physiotherapist to train my leg up. Finally I could drop my crutches!

The operation in my left foot was almost the same, but it was in the winter so I got spikes under my crutches but sometimes I slid.

Factfile about me:
I  am 66,929 inches tall.
I live at øya and the distanse from my home to school is 2,42 miles.
From home to Borregaard C-port is 2,92 miles.

Now it's 51,44 °F outside.

A mathematical task we have been working on lately is about n-te roots. Unknown growth factor:
The third root of twentyseven is equal to three because if we factorize twentyseven three times, we will get three times three times three. So the answer is three!

torsdag 20. oktober 2011

20. October 2011

Yesterday we were visiting Saugbrugs because there is a maintenance stop at Borregaard this week. Some parts of the factory looks like Borregaard. For example the Timber cleaner are quite similar at both places. PM6 and the other papermachines at Saugbrugs looks like the drying machine, Cellulose 3 (TM3), at Borregaard.
But the machines is not exactly the same. In Saugbrugs comes out magazine paper, but fromer Borregaard comes out cellulose from the drying machine. But they looks similar and got maybe the same principles.

Today we were at our own factory. We did some task from Saugbrugs, then we got a password so we could get access to Lotus Notes, e-mail and Orkla's salary stuff. Eventualy we learned about steam and how it's produced. We visited the boiler house, but they were delayed because both the electric boilers short circuited when they were starting up after the maintainance stop.